The Chateau Diadem Conviction Robusto is a premium cigar that is handcrafted with the finest tobacco leaves from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. This medium-bodied cigar boasts a complex flavor profile with notes of leather, cocoa, and espresso, making it a perfect choice for cigar aficionados who appreciate a rich and satisfying smoke. The robusto size is ideal for a shorter smoking experience, but still delivers an impressive amount of flavor and complexity. Each cigar is carefully aged and rolled to perfection, ensuring a consistent and enjoyable smoking experience every time. Experience the luxury and sophistication of Chateau Diadem with the Conviction Robusto.
Chateau Diadem Conviction Robusto - 1 SingleCigar
SKU: 2710251286
Length: 5"
Ring Gauge: 50
Strength: MediumPack: 1 Single
Vitola: Robusto
Smoking Time: 45 MinutesWrapper: Ecuadorian
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Nicaraguan Criollo Estili, Dominican Criollo 98 & Dominican Piloto Cubano
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