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A Legacy of Excellence


Created in 1966 for President Fidel Castro, Cohiba is the flagship brand of Habanos, crafted at the once top-secret, now world-famous, El Laguito factory. Initially exclusive to heads of state and diplomats, Cohiba cigars became available to the public in limited quantities starting in 1982.


A Rich Heritage


The name "Cohiba" originates from an ancient Taino Indian word for the tobacco bunches first observed by Columbus being smoked by Cuba’s original inhabitants—the earliest known form of a Habano. The leaves for Cohiba are the "selection of selection" from the finest Vegas de Primera in the San Juan y Martinez and San Luis districts of the Vuelta Abajo zone.


Unique Fermentation Process


Uniquely among Habanos, up to three of Cohiba's filler leaves—seco, ligero, and the rare medio tiempo—undergo an additional fermentation in barrels. This exclusive process results in a special aroma and flavor that can only be found in Cohiba.


Innovative Lines


Cohiba encompasses four distinct lines: Línea Clásica, Línea 1492, Línea Maduro 5, and Línea Behike. Through constant innovation, Cohiba has maintained its position at the forefront of the cigar world. It was the first Havana brand to offer a Reserva cigar in 2002 and a Gran Reserva in 2009, using tobaccos aged for a minimum of three and five years, respectively. All Cohiba sizes are ‘totalmente a mano, tripa larga’—long filler, totally handmade.


BEHIKE BHK 52 - "VOTED BEST CIGAR OF 2010" by Cigar Aficionado


The Línea BHK was a groundbreaking introduction in 2010, with the smallest size, the BHK 52, receiving the prestigious Cigar Aficionado "Cigar of the Year" award with a rating of 97. This cigar delivers a stunning and unique taste from Havana.


Unique Blending


The Línea BHK cigars incorporate two extremely rare leaves from Cuba, known as "Medio Tiempo," found at the very top of sun-grown plants. These leaves, with a high concentration of oil, add a distinct flavor characteristic to the BHK cigars. Vegueros began separating, processing, and aging these leaves separately, and they are now a crucial component in all Behike BHK cigars.


Nilesh Recommends


Due to their limited annual production, Behikes are highly sought after. Many customers are already planning to lay down a quantity of BHKs annually for future enjoyment. Available now at Cask23, where we offer over 200 of the finest cigars for your indulgence.


Tasting Notes


The BHK cigars feature a distinct blend that includes an extra Medio Tiempo filler leaf, providing a very distinct flavor characteristic. This dark leaf from the top of the plant imparts a rich and complex flavor, making the BHK a standout choice for any cigar aficionado.


Experience Cohiba at Cask23


Elevate your cigar collection with the exquisite Cohiba cigars, available now at Cask23 | Sampling Lounge | Leicester. Indulge in the unparalleled craftsmanship and flavor that define Cohiba, and discover why it remains the pinnacle of cigar excellence.

Cohiba Behike BHK 52 - Box of 10 Cigar

SKU: 6878054257
  • Length: 4 3/4"
    Ring Gauge: 52
    Strength: Full

    Pack: One Box of 10
    Vitola: Petit Robusto
    Smoking Time: 45 Minutes

    Winner of the 2010 Cigar Aficionado's Best Cigar award with an impressive rating of 97.

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