The Legacy of Cohiba
Cohiba, the flagship brand of Habanos, encapsulates the highest standards of cigar craftsmanship. Created in 1966 for President Fidel Castro and initially crafted at the secretive El Laguito factory, Cohiba was a symbol of prestige and exclusivity, offered only to dignitaries and heads of state. Since 1982, it has graced the open market in limited quantities, continuing its legacy as a beacon of luxury.
Exquisite Tobacco Mastery
Cohiba cigars are renowned for their exceptional quality, crafted from the "selection of selection" of tobacco leaves sourced from the finest Vegas de Primera in the Vuelta Abajo zone. Unique among Habanos, Cohiba uses up to three filler leaves—the seco, ligero, and the rare medio tiempo—that undergo an additional fermentation process in barrels, creating an unparalleled aroma and flavor profile found only in Cohiba.
A Diverse and Innovative Range
Cohiba encompasses a variety of lines each tailored to distinct tastes: Línea Clásica, Línea 1492, Línea Maduro 5, and the esteemed Línea Behike. It remains at the forefront of the cigar world through constant innovation, including the introduction of its Reserva and Gran Reserva series, which use tobaccos aged for extended periods to refine their rich flavors.
Cohiba Esplendido - A Stately Experience
Introduced in 1989 as part of the Línea Clásica, the Cohiba Esplendido is a Churchill-sized cigar that embodies the grandeur and sophistication of the Cohiba brand. This stately cigar, presented in beautifully crafted mid-tone wrappers, demands time and appreciation for its complexity and power.
Rich, Full-Bodied Flavors
The Cohiba Esplendido offers a smoking experience filled with rich, full-bodied flavors including notes of salted caramel, black cherry, and baked apple. Its robust profile and intricate layers of taste make it a standout among premium cigars.
Ideal Pairing Suggestions
To further enhance the indulgence of the Cohiba Esplendido, pair it with a fine cognac or a full-bodied red wine. This combination complements the deep, complex flavors of the cigar, creating a luxurious smoking experience.
Available Now at Cask 23
Visit Cask 23 to explore the majestic Cohiba Esplendido and other fine offerings from the Cohiba range. Experience the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship and the luxurious heritage of Cohiba, a brand that continues to set the standard for excellence in the cigar world.
Cohiba Esplendidos Cigar - 1 Single
Length: 7"
Ring Gauge: 47
Strength: Medium to Full
Pack: 1 Single CigarVitola: Churchill
Smoking Time: 60+ Minutes