Montecristo Petit No. 2 Tubos, originating from the globally renowned Montecristo brand, is a symbol of luxury and refinement in the world of cigars. This Cuban marvel is a smaller version of the iconic Montecristo No. 2, designed for those who desire a shorter yet equally satisfying smoking experience.
The cigar is meticulously crafted with a premium Cuban wrapper, binder, and filler. Its strength lies in the medium to full range, catering to a wide range of palates. On lighting, enthusiasts will appreciate the layered complexity of its flavors. The experience begins with a pronounced woodiness, evolving into a fusion of sweet and spicy notes, with leather undertones adding depth. The cigar's aging potential is excellent, promising a refined taste over time.
Perfectly paired with a dark, aromatic coffee or a glass of aged rum, the Montecristo Petit No. 2 Tubos is an ideal choice for a luxurious smoking break, offering an epitome of Cuban cigar craftsmanship in a shorter format.
Montecristo Petit No. 2 Tubos Cigar - 1 Single
Length: 4.7"
Ring Gauge: 52
Strength: Medium to Full
Pack: 1 Single Tubed Cigar